Roles and Responsibilities
Research Administrator
- assists with budget, budget justification, cover sheets, current and pending support, other administrative items
- provides checklist for proposals, along with guidance on sponsor requirements
- creates the proposal record in InfoEd, and uploads necessary documents
- liase with OSR on proposal submission
Office for Sponsored Research (OSR)
- reviews proposal record, provides feedback
- submits proposal (either through InfoEd, Fastlane or otherwise as specified by sponsor)
Graduate Student
- identifies funding opportunities
- informs Research Administrator of intent to submit
- reviews solicitation carefully
- completes all required items before internal deadlines
- responsible for obtaining IRB approval if human subjects are included
- responsible for completing COI disclosure (required prior to submission for federal agencies)
- Provides signed statement/letter of recommendation if required
- Provide current biographical sketch
- Approve proposal record in InfoEd
- Complete COI disclosure
- Provide feedback to student on proposal content