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Northwestern University

Perspectives 2: Global Perspectives on Power, Justice, and Equity

NOTE: Students who started taking classes at Northwestern in Spring 2023 or earlier are not required to complete the US or Global perspectives (see the prior degree requirements). The information below pertains to students who start at Northwestern after Spring 2023.

About Global Perspectives on Power, Justice and Equity

The global perspective addresses the geographic and environmental conditions, historical and present social and political structures, linguistic and cultural formations of groups and individuals primarily outside the United States, focusing on the interaction among cultures.

Fulfilling Global Perspectives on Power, Justice and Equity

Students may complete Global Perspectives through completion of an approved course with a grade of D or higher. Courses are approved by the Weinberg College faculty committees and can be identified in the Undergraduate Catalog and the quarterly CAESAR class listings. Each year some courses are added to the list and others are deleted; a course must be on the approved list for the year you take it to satisfy the requirement.

A course that is used by a student to satisfy the Global Perspectives may at the same time be applied towards a different requirement (such as a major requirement, minor requirement, foundational discipline, or the advanced expression requirement), but one course may not satisfy U.S. and Global Perspectives at the same time.

2024-2025 Global Perspectives Courses

See Perspectives on Power, Justice and Equity in the Undergraduate Catalog for learning objectives and a list of courses. Some courses on the list will not be offered in 2024-25, but in a future year. Some courses on the list have prerequisites.

Mid-year updates will appear below as they become available.

 Additional courses meeting Global Perspectives on Power, Justice, and Equity
Subject Number Title
ASIAN_AM 216-0 Global Asians (with HISTORY 216-0)2
GBL_HLTH 322-0 Global Epidemics2
GBL_HLTH 327-0 Infectious Disease Eradication2
GBL_HLTH 328-0 Human Circulation3
HISTORY 216-0 Global Asians (with ASIAN_AM 216-0)2
HISTORY 262-0 Pirates, Guns, and Empires2
HISTORY 282-0 Sino-American Relations in the Modern World2
HISTORY 381-SA Beijing: Politics and Power in Modern China2
INTL_ST 383-2 Elliott Scholars Program: Foundation Topics II in Global Affairs1
ITALIAN 370-0 Media Aesthetic Education4
PORT 296-0 Introductory Topics in Luso-Afro-Brazilian Studies4
SPANISH 222-0 The Novel in Latin America4

1Also FD-Social and Behavioral Sciences

2Also FD-Historical Studies

3Also FD-Ethical and Evaluative Thinking

4Also FD-Literature and Arts